Are Gutter Guards Useful?

Gutter GuardGutter GuardYou know that clumsy neighbour across the street. The one that always have some problem with his car and that always has a fractured limb induced by the last gutter cleaning he did. And you ask yourselves, wouldn’t that guy’s life be much more easier if only he installed gutter guards? Surprisingly, the answer isn’t always a “Yes”. How come, you may ask? Read further and it shall be explained.

How do gutter guards actually work?

Mesh GuardFor starters, there are two different types of protectors you can install on your type of gutters. The first type invented is the screen. It usually is a metal panel with holes in it that let water fall trough. The panel is fastened to the gutter and it serves as a bumper for medium and large debris.

The other type are the foam and mesh guards. They are simply laid onto the gutters and they soak water trough them, leaving no space for any leaves or sticks to clog your pipes.

That’s wonderful, no more cleaning!

Not exactly. Because as we mentioned earlier, gutter guards successfully stop large and medium objects, but smaller particles will find their way sooner or later. That’s why installing protectors means you will get to clean your gutters less frequently, not never. And here is the catch, you have to completely remove them before you do any cleaning. That means you may do the exercise twice less often, but it will take twice more time to do it. Which one is better is up to you to decide.

There are good news though. You can always call us to assist you with your gutter worries. We advice, with our without us, to clean your gutters thoroughly at the start of each season to escape any risks of further damage to your house. Remember that preventing is far less consuming than repairing.