Solar Panels For Your Home

Solar Energy

Solar Panels – a risk free investment

“Wait, are you talking about solar energy? We live in England, not Morocco.” Well that may be true, but solar panels generate energy from daylight, not sunshine. Not so effectively of course, but still they do even in cloudy days. So, if you don’t have a Hanging Garden on your roof, why not consider installing solar panels?

Solar panels can dramatically reduce your electricity bills and they can even generate you money. There is a pricey initial investment, although there are ways of obtaining them for free, but after that they have very little to none maintenance costs and never stop producing that sweet, sun-generated energy.

When Should You Consider Installing Solar Panels

Solar Panels on a roofNeedless to say, you must be a home owner since such kind of an investment makes absolutely zero sense if you are living on a rent. Your house must have a south-facing roof or at least within 45 degrees. It shouldn’t be shaded by any tall buildings or trees, especially in the period of 10am to 4pm. Also you have to have some £7,000 ready to cash out. The prices dropped in the past few years and maybe they will drop in the future as well, but at the moment, 7000 is the number. In certain parts of UK a company can offer to place them for free, but they will get the feed-in tariff cash and you will be left only with the ~£130 pounds a year of savings. “Wait, what tariff cash?”

What Would You Get From Installing the Solar Panels at Your Home

Saving moneyAs we wrote earlier using the energy of solar panels will decrease your bills. The exact sum depends on many factors, but the average for the UK is something around £130 pounds a year. Though it is predicted that energy prices will rise enormously in the next 20 years, the saving will rise proportionally as well. Another profit comes from the Government in the form of feed-in payments. When you install your solar panels and register them you will receive a steady yearly rate for the next 20 years. Previously the contract would be for 25 years and yearly they would give you around £1100 yearly, but they reduced the tariff and now they will pay ~£630. This makes £12600 for the whole period, which reduces the ROI of solar panels, but leaves them a good investment idea non the less.

So if you like the idea, have some extra cash and don’t plan to move out in the next 20 years, try finding some official members of the Microgeneration Certification Scheme and order. And if you’re not sure what to use the acquired energy for, you can always gain inspiration from other green ideas.